In our gallery we offer top quality antiques for demanding customers whom we arrange discreet purchase. Prices of goods be delivered on request. For some items, the price can be found directly in our e-shop.
A Pair Of Meissen Large Figural Candelabra
Germany, Meissen, 2nd half of the 19th century,...
Raritní a velmi vzácná váza Rosenthal s malbou od Richarda Wehsnera
Německo, Rosenthal/Richard Wehsner...
Velké porcelánové hodiny Meissen
Německo, Míšeň, 2. polovina...
Žena s dítětem Goldscheider - velký model
Rakousko, Vídeň, 30. léta 20....
French porcelain clock with pair vases
France, second half of the 19th century, table...
Porcelánové stolní hodiny Meissen
Germany, Meissen, 1st third of the 20th...
Very rare flower pot with plaque KPM Berlin
Germany, Berlin, circa 1837-1844 carved...
Lady in ceremonial costume – Meissen
Germany, Meissen, end of 19th century model...
Vienna - a porcelain figure of the winemaker
Austria, Vienna, 2 nd third of the 19th...
Tankard with pewter lid
Probably Germany, turn of the 18th and 19th...
Tankard with pewter lid - Jan Nepomucký
Probably Ansbach, Germany, 2nd half of the...
Tankard with pewter lid
Probably Germany, 2nd half of the 18th...
Wiener Werkstätte - Susi Singer Wien
Keramická plastika, Susi Singer -...
Art Déco lamp- Rosenthal porcelain
Porcelain lamp in Art Déco - Rosenthal...
Rosenthal Porcelain clock
design Karl Himmelstoss, Germany, circa 1928...
Art Nouveau sculpture Goldscheider
Austria, Vienna, 20th century ceramic,...
Man with a top hat Goldscheider
design Ferdinand Doblinger (1872 - 1935),...
Rosenthal sleeping Faun
design Caasmann Albert (1886-1968), Germany,...
Cheerful Bacchus Rosenthal
design Caasmann Albert (1886-1968), Germany,...
German porcelain sculpture Volkstedt
Germany, Volkstedt, 1 half of the 20th century...
Rococo porcelain sculpture Nymphenburg
Germany, late 19th century white porcelain,...
Italian porcelain sculpture Doccia
Italy, Florence, 1 half of the 20th century...
Porcelain ashtray with a sculpture of Turk - Rosenthal
Karl Himmelstoss design, Germany, 20th years...